Welcome to my Recipes page


This page is my thoughts and experiances of cooking

Bread Wholemeal ↑Recipes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut commodo leo, sit amet semper diam. Etiam nec dignissim nunc. Duis mattis purus sit amet venenatis cursus. Sed ut pharetra purus. Nullam interdum nunc id erat dapibus ultricies. Aenean pharetra est elit, ac auctor ipsum vestibulum vel. Quisque efficitur lacinia feugiat. Cras lobortis luctus congue. Mauris pulvinar vitae nisl vel ultricies. In blandit pulvinar vulputate. Sed mauris arcu, faucibus nec gravida et, tempus non tellus.

Bread Oat ↑Recipes

This is how I make my Oat bread.

  1. 1KG oats
  2. 1lt live yoghurt
  3. 2 eggs
  4. 3 teaspoons baking soda
  5. pumpkin seeds
  6. sun flower seeds

I have a Bullet but any hand held liquidiser will do.

  1. Switch on the oven to Pre-heat it to 200C. Do this first and it will be ready to load by the time you're mix is done
  2. Mill 200g of oats and add to a big mixing bowel
  3. Add and mix the baking soda and 300g of the remaining oats and seeds
  4. Break the 2 eggs in to a tall jug and add the yoghurt then liquidise
  5. Add the yoghurt mix in to the bowel and gradually stir in the remaining oats until you have a consistent mix
  6. Oil some bread tins to stop the mixture sticking when empting after cooking
  7. Fill the bread tins and bake for 10 minutes at 200c then turn down to 180c for 35 minutes
  8. Check the bread. If it's not cooked in side cover with foil to stop the outside crisping and cook longer
  9. Once cooked remove from the oven and let it rest for 10 minutes before turning it out on to a rack
  10. Once on the rack let it rest for at least 30 minutes before eating
  11. Enjoy with butter and marmalade

Chilli Chickpea ↑Recipes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer ut commodo leo, sit amet semper diam. Etiam nec dignissim nunc. Duis mattis purus sit amet venenatis cursus. Sed ut pharetra purus. Nullam interdum nunc id erat dapibus ultricies. Aenean pharetra est elit, ac auctor ipsum vestibulum vel. Quisque efficitur lacinia feugiat. Cras lobortis luctus congue. Mauris pulvinar vitae nisl vel ultricies. In blandit pulvinar vulputate. Sed mauris arcu, faucibus nec gravida et, tempus non tellus.

Breakfast tea ↑Recipes

One thing I'm very fussy about is tea. When I'm talking about tea I'm meaning English Breakfast Tea Now if you think you've drunk that an it was horrid or nothing special, think again. As someone that has been brought up on proper tea I can assure you that the UK has the best tea in the world. It's a fortunate/unfortunate lagacy of Empire. We've had good tea for a long time and now demand only the best. Even the shop brand teas here are better than most European teas.

If you have heard of the brandPG Tips the clue is in the name. The tips of the tea is the best bit. If you've ever had tea from India that the poor drink you will notice that it's very stalky. If you've ever had tea in Europe it's usually a weak flavour-less comparison

How to make a good pot of tea

  1. Boil freshly drawn water. After it's boiled let it stand for a short while. Boiled water on tea makes it bitter
  2. Warm the pot with hot water by half filling it and swirling the water
  3. The general rule is a teaspoon of loose tea per person and one for the pot (same for tea bags)
  4. Add the hot water to the pot and cover with a tea-cosy (a tea towel will do)
  5. Stir and let it brew for 4-5 minutes
  6. Alway add any sugar in to a cup first so the hot tea dissolves it. NEVER ADD MILK FIRST
  7. Add milk carefully taking note of the colour change. It is critical to not over milk if you want the best flavour. There is a fine balance to be had here and even now I still get it wrong
  8. If you don't or can't take milk don't drink Breakfast tea but rather something else. Unless you want to tanilise your insides. Apparently the molicules in the milk attach to tanin and prevent this
  9. Enjoy with toasted oat bread with butter and marmalade

BBC recipes